Wednesday 31 May 2017

Currently working on a head made from slices of Styrofoam board. the board cut into squares and stacked into a cube and then cut and sanded. The idea then is that i can see the layers, that mix of human form with something less... organic maybe?

The outcome is turning out to be much more primitive. Almost an Easter Island head figure.
My dad spoke to me about how i had come to look at the human figure in this light. We have joked for years now about a sculpture in Liverpool which looks like a head prayed to by a religious group. 'All hail the head' was the tag line we'd say driving past the thing.

The work 'Dream' by Jaume Plensa is enormous. Seriously the thing is 66 feet tall and build on the grounds of an old mine. It's a head, covered in a material called Dolomite. This makes the 500 tonne statue sparkling white. 

Image result for DreaM SCULPTURE

Interestingly enough, because of its size and weight, it had to be built in slats from the ground up.

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