Thursday 25 May 2017

Cornelia Parker also appeared in my notes during last week so i better fill you in here so that i don't forget to put her in. Come to think of it, I began looking at her work for the reason of form being translated into something else. Initially this was to be the look into why i was slicing and dicing the human form. Now However, we have something else. My redundant molds are as her work was. Objects that once were, made for purpose, broken down and made anew.

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its beautiful work.

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And i can see her angle on it. Perhaps then it is something i should investigate further. More than that, can these broken pieces go on to make something else... something human and also, not human at all?

People i spoke to talked of Mark Quinn A LOT. He is just one of those figures in sculpture and his work is extraordinary. I just don't know right at this moment, how relevant it is.

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