Thursday 1 December 2016

 The progress was slow and frankly at times difficult. It was a strain physically and mentally. which is odd because it is just banging in nails right? But it was tough. It is the most challenging work I've done, period. It is my own journey though. Whether i do well or not in terms of marks is a different issue entirely. i have LEARNT so much this term. This is expression, it has made me happy. As odd as that sounds but it's true. I am happy to be working on this.

The thing is. During my first year i really fought hard to be the same as i had been at sixth form. I painted and i drew and people liked that. I did too. Hyper real stuff or expressive painting was fun and i wanted to stick to that because it worked. I think i properly dug my heals in to stay exactly the same as i had always been.

This year, well this term. I think i have stopped trying to fight the idea of staying inside my little bubble. This is so far from my comfort zone but the more i have worked the more i have had fun. This isn't leaving my comfort zone. This is making my comfort zone bigger.

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