Thursday 1 December 2016

  Progress is slow. it is time consuming and a surprising stretch on the mind. The rhythm of the hammer i could get used to but accidentally catching my own thumb now and again. Nope that sucks but at least i can say that i'm giving it a good go.

The more i went about my recording the more i generally from the nails more aesthetically pleasing as well. As weird as it sounds, when they are uniform in large groups, equally spaced. They look, kind of cool.
 A fifth or so of the way in. Its funny. This project to do this single piece, it was, still is, my own journey. Not like those who have traveled by sea and faced death, lost loved ones for which this piece represents. But a journey non the less. I have stepped well beyond my boundaries and have become a refugee of my own experiences. Forced away from my comfort zone of what i accept to be 'good' art and into this new and hostile world of art. I'm alone on this journey, searching for new things, hoping to expand and find a new safe zone somewhere out there. For now however i have made this journey beyond painting and drawing and you know, this piece means more to me than a lot of my work, and i want it to find success.


A long day of nailing in several hundred nails by hand. I wondered about fiddling with the pressure on a nail gun so that the nails came out with less force, thus giving the same effect. Somehow though given the nature of the work. I felt it almost my job to do it by hand. For the sake of those i am representing, i owe them that much at least.

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