Wednesday 26 April 2017

Having come across a set of MRI scans online (not weird i promise) and it gave me an idea. i don't know why but the idea of taking the human form and sort of making it a relief or contoured like a map is interesting to me. Its the starting point for this project so i better get to it.

For now this will be a sculpture project but we shall see how it develops. I am using K'nex (toys yes but they are like Lego and can be useful) to rapidly prototype ideas which can be photographed and then taken apart to try something new.

To get a better understanding of what i am starting to look at, lets have a look at Eugene-Louis Doyen. His work is morbid and horrifying but weirdly fascinating. I found him in a video by Vsauce wich asked why we are morbidly curious, why we cannot look away from war and gore. Car crashes and car chases. but his work looked at chopping up real bodies into well... stackable slices. Its amazingly macabre but also very interesting.
showing us what we are literally made of.

So i want to try and recreate that (Not with actualy people obviously) but with this stackable thing, it is interesting. and that is enough for now.

Image result for eugene louis doyen                                                               Image result for eugene louis doyen          

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