Monday, 20 March 2017

at the start of this term i was very keen at looking at the refugee crisis and whilst that never particularly left my mind, it did take a back seat. It wasn't until i was with my cousin and her child that i had a brainwave when i saw she was playing with a mobile.

There was a moment when i remembered the child refugees i had seen in articles during first term and the irony that they were refugees, people on the move or on the run, yet they were stuck, poverty stricken in the towns and cities of Europe. they weren't Mobile, they were immobile and that is what i thought about.

as a small but meaningful installation, the hanging immobile is a stark reminder of how children caught up in this humanitarian crisis were being left abandoned with no where to go whilst children from Europe are free to live the happy lives we want them to have. lives with toys, mobiles and out of danger.

Image result for child's hanging mobile  although this is not the actual mobile as this image is from google, i wanted to show a quick comparison.

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these are the hanging parts of the mobile. the shapes ARE NOT random and i talk about it in my sketch book. i plotted all the towns and cities a refugee fleeing Aleppo would have to go through if they were to walk from Aleppo to Dover. its a heck of a trek, and a dangerous one through desert, woodland and towns alien to them. if you were to draw a line of this trail, it would look like the shape above. The mobile is made from the shapes of the terrible journey child refugees must make.

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